Stem Cells as a Model System for Embryonic Development

November 26, 2010

Embryonic Stem Cells as a Model System for Embryonic Development’ is an evolving program based around an intense educational course with both practical training and lectures from key experts in the field. The 2011 version of the course will be held in Cuernavaca, Mexico, with outreach activities and symposium taking place in Mexico City (27th February to 17th March). The program aims to gather the experts on Stem Cell research and the application of Stem Cell research to basic developmental biology with scientists from throughout Latin America. As can be seen from our list of participating faculty, the UK has translated its strong leadership in Developmental Biology to the stem cell arena. A key goal of the programme is to fortify Latin American stem cell biology through interchange of knowledge accrued from the highest standard applied stem cell science currently performed in the UK. Another main focus of the programmes around the course is the establishment of collaboration between the UK and Latin America. For this reason we take a limited number of students from the UK and give them the opportunity to train side by side with their Latin American counterparts. We are also developing a fellowship program as a follow up to this edition to build collaborative relationships between UK and Latin American laboratories. The Mexican edition represents the continuation of an initiative started in Chile (2007), Brazil (2009) and contributes to scientific development in Latin America.

Date and Venue

27th February to 17th March 2011
UNAM, Avenida Universidad 2001
Morelos - Cuernavaca, Mexico

Aims and overview

The course “ES cells as a model system for embryonic development” represents the continuation of an initiative started in Santiago, Chile (2007) and continued in Sao Paulo, Brazil (2009). The main objective of these workshops was to foster the incorporation of Developmental approaches into the strategies utilized by Latin American Stem Cell researchers. For the 2011 Mexican edition, the focus will be the same, with the following specific objectives:

1. To introduce students from Latin America to the concept of exploiting ES cells and ES cell technology to understand mechanisms of development and differentiation.
2. To improve the quality of ES cell research by stimulating the incorporation of key Developmental concepts and paradigms.
3. To provide ES technologies (both protocols and cell lines) to laboratories in Latin America.
4. To forge a cadre of young investigators with a culture of cooperation within mutually supportive alliances (i.e., supply for the pipe line of future experts).
5. To provide an opportunity for Latin American Stem/Developmental Biologists to exchange ideas with their European/UK/USA counterparts.

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