Institut Gustave Roussy Invites Applications for a Postdoc in Molecular Biology in Cancer at the Pediatric group of the CNRS Research Unit UMR 8203: "New therapeutic targets for nervous system tumors".
A postdoc position is now open for highly motivated scientists with background in genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, and cancer. The projects are focused on studying molecular mechanisms of oncogenesis in pediatric cancer of the nervous system which shall likely lead to identification of novel therapeutic targets for drug development and define new biomarkers for clinical selection of responsive patients and monitoring therapeutic efficacy of drugs. In a perspective of subsequently taking over the scientific lead of the group, candidates with ability to lead a team and to develop their own field of research have advantages. Selection will be based on merits and publications.
The position is available for 3 years and has the possibility to be extended.
It should be filled as soon as possible although there are no formal deadlines.
Candidates should submit a complete Curriculum Vitae to Dr. Birgit Geoerger:
Description of the Laboratory:
The research group "New therapeutic targets for nervous system tumors" is part of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique unit UMR 8203 "Vectorology and Anticancer Therapeutics" (directed by Dr. L.M. MIR) and the Institut de Recherche Intégrée en Cancérologie à Villejuif (Pr E. Solary), associated with the University Paris-Sud. The group is located at the Institut de Gustave Roussy in Villejuif which is part of the project Cancer Campus (
The main objective of the group is to identify new therapeutic targets in pediatric malignancies through high-throughput technologies and explore their role in oncogenesis and drug resistance in the perspective of a clinical implementation in trials for children with cancer.
The activity of the research group is included in a dynamic neuro-oncology network sponsored by the Canceropole Ile de France which comprises the major neuro-oncology units of Paris and surroundings: the hospitals Necker Enfants-Malades, La Pitié-Salpétrière, Kremlin-Bicêtre, Sainte-Anne, and Institut Curie. The group has a leading activity in new drug development in pediatric oncology within the European ?Innovative Therapeutics in Children with Cancer (ITCC)? consortium, coordinated by Pr Gilles Vassal.
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